Bon Voyage Faux Pas

You said you were leaving
You told me goodbye
We threw a big party
We had a good cry

We talked about texting
The emails we’d type
Facebook and Twitter
Long sessions on Skype

But now you come round
You tell me things changed
A bug in the system
A plan rearranged

A change of location
Some urgent phone calls
And it looks like you’re staying
Around after all

And though I should take this
With thunderous applause
It produces no more
Than a long awkward pause

As I questioned how
I would ever go on
I was quite getting used to
A world with you gone

Now also I wonder
If I would lack tact
If I asked you to give me
My goodbye gifts back

Or asked compensation
For the food and drink
I brought to the party
Or ask what you think

About me attempting
To act on prospects
To apply for your job
Or to ask out your ex

But I guess dearest friend
What I’d most like to know
If there isn’t some other place
You’d like to go


60 thoughts on “Bon Voyage Faux Pas

  1. Rather bitter/sweet – like it! To a certain extent it reminds me of my middle son who paid for his trip to Eastern Europe somewhere for his mates stag weekend on the booze etc only to find out the marriage had been cancelled yet the ‘friend’ insisted they all attend the stag weekend regardless!

  2. And that just about sums up Life Ironies, when you think something is going to happen a certain way, and then it does not. I would say be bold and ask for those gifts back! LOL Great poem, Marissa. You are Wonder Woman!!! Love, Amy ❤

  3. And here I am popping up here randomly without invitation, after disappearing from blog land, to find your poem the first on my feed. Hopefully it isn’t a faux pas. Happy summer!

  4. I’m wondering if he didn’t sort of steer you a certain direction when you were purchasing those good-bye gifts…could’ve been a total setup from the getgo!

  5. Just to give you a little support here Marissa, you should not have to ask for the gifts back. They should be offered!!!! That was a dirty trick just to get some goods.

    I got your back buddy!

    • Thanks so much! Well, I just hate it when someone makes a big deal out of going away, or doing anything really, and then they just back out. This is actually based on something that happened this weekend.

  6. My mother taught me to never “wear out my welcome”. I think never wear out your Bon voyage applies here too. The train’s pulling out of the station. Get to steppin’!

  7. This happened with one of our friends recently, and the big joke was that all of us asked her to return the gift..or sign a contract saying she wouldn’t come back for a certain period, after which the gift would be hers. LoL😆😆 Lovely post

    • Not a bad idea. You know, I was thinking of capitalizing on this one by writing something about all these bands who do farewells tours like 8,000 times. Maybe….if I don’t end up with something to similar.

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